[Empeg-general] Re: Cambridge UK, hot bed of MP3 bits and peices

Aleksandr Milewski n6mod@milewski.org
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 06:51:00 GMT

> See, my home-office is wired for ethernet, but the rest of the house isn't. If that thing could work as a pass-through, I could have ethernet in the living room without having to get an HPNA adapter for the laptop...

That's what 802.11 is for, Tony.  ;-)

Actually, I'd really love to see someone hack an <A HREF="http://www.apple.com/airport/" target="_new">Airport</A> to act like the <A HREF="http://www.wavelan.com/products/productdetail.html?id=25" target="_new">Lucent ethernet adaptor</A>.

I'd put one in the car so the empeg would be part of the network from the driveway, and one on the Rio Receiver because I'm too freakin' lazy to go back under the house to pull One More Run of Cat5.

 Mk.I #150
 Mk.II #39