[Empeg-general] Re: NO!!!!!

pgrzelak@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org pgrzelak@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 13:15:00 GMT


  I hope it is that simple a problem.  I can handle going in and adjusting the cables - FedEx'ing the unit back is what worries me more.  The FDA seemed to take a strange interest in the unit last time.  I guess they handle the FCC paperwork.  That, and I would *really* like to start playing / loading / tinkering with the empeg...

  Meanwhile, this is a dual drive unit.  It may also (I don't know for certain) be one of the first ones with the 2 x 20GB drives instead of the 18.  The unit was shipped one day after Rob's announcement.  Some other assorted thoughts (mostly about manufacturing):

  a) If these are 20GB, could the order for new drives caused manufacturing to stop hot-gluing the drive cables?
  b) Is manufacturing not gluing dual drive units at all?
  c) If these are 20GB, could a change in physical disk size make the cables more likely to slip?
  d) Is there any way I could find out in the present state what size these drives are?
  e) Are there any other self-test / boot key sequences, like ^T, that would give any additional information?

Paul G.
Q# 15189
SN# 090000587
Status: D.O.A. - 29 Sept 2000 (36GB Green)