[Empeg-general] Re: Empeg to Monsoon Amp

Satan_X@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org Satan_X at empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 04:53:00 GMT

Didnt look hard enough in this forum.......found this...

if you have the monsoon system, you have an external amp, that is decent, but has a couple of problems.

#1: the monsoon amp is expecting high level inputs, aprox 10-12 volts, so the output on the empeg is very quiet, compared to what you get out of the factory deck.

options: buy a pair of $120 (audio king) signal boosters, that will allow the output from the empeg to drive the mosoon amp just fine, you could get away with one booster, but you would loose front-<rear fader control. or find a booster that supports 4 channels.

#2: the monsoon amp HATES the empeg being pluged in while it's active.. i think there are several problems here.. and may be a software fixable thing by the empeg guys.
options: I don't know yet, but the booster may solve this problem. I think the better solution is this.. if there is control over the amplifier powerup lead, don't init the amplifier untill the empeg is powered up, and ready to play.. the amp in the jetta powers up quickly (i also have used xtant amplifiers that take aprox 3-4 seconds too boot before supplying spekars with auido) also, when the empeg is supposed to be in power-off mode.. shut down the amplifier, so you can yank the head unit without poping the system. I had the amp freak out, and not produce audio 2 times, while doing the install, just by yanking the empeg and plugging it back in with the car off.. i had to wait several min before droping it back in.