[Empeg-ice] Re: best place for 10" sub(s) in my MGB

Paul Wayper paulway@earthling.net
Tue, 1 May 2001 00:00:00 GMT

In reply to:Big Mac, middle size fries and drink is SEK 39 (~US$ 3.82) here 
Ah, this is my Big Mac Economic Theory - the real judge of a currency's worth is how much you pay for a medium Big Mac Meal.

In Australia, you'll pay around AUD $5 - which works out at USD $2.50 roughly.  When I was in England I was paying around GBP 4, which meant I was paying around AUD $12 dollars.  Anyone idiot enough to pay $12 Australian dollars for a meal the quality of a Big Mac is a few stubbies short of a six-pack (to use a colloquialism).  And yet that's what they pay over there because they earn a comparable amount.  In Australia we tend to forget that our food prices are in fact incredibly good.

If I could be paid in GBP and still live in Australia, I'd do it like a shot.

Holder (while I buy it off my brother) of Mark I empeg 00061.