My Dangerous Idea - A technical question, not a legal question

son_of_mogh_worf@h... son_of_mogh_worf at h...
Sat, 07 Jul 2001 08:50:55 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., sharkey@a... wrote:
> But then, tell me, why should Tivo sell loss leader units to 
> in the first place? What's wrong with saying "you have to be in 
> America to buy a Tivo at a loss leader price (with a required 
> contract); if you want to buy them internationally you'll have to 
pay full
> price for the Tivo up front?" 

Simple. TiVo doesn't sell to everywhere in North America! I assume you 
meant the U.S....

> > > Becuase the hardware doesn't lend itself to that. A VCR is a 
very limited
> > 
> > That you don't know for sure since you don't have the specs.
> I'm willing to bet good money that my VCR doesn't contain a general 
> programable CPU in it. Few companies go to the extent of filing off 
> chip ID numbers of the parts they use. Commodity hardware is 
actually fairly
> simple to duplicate if you have the facilities. There's rarely more 
> a few custom chips in each device, and an engineer can usually guess 
> they're supposed to do based on how they're connected to the other
> components.

I don't know about you, but I don't know many VCR manufacturers that 
actually go and design their own CPU and such. Most VCRs use a 
*microcontroller*, basically a general purpose CPU+RAM+ROM+other 
useful things in a chip. So yes, it's a commodity part. Yes, it's a 
general purpose CPU. No, the firmware is embedded into the chip 
itself, and often enough, can't be extracted without popping the top. 
(Either programmed at VCR factory, or mask-programmed). But it's 
programmable (it's extremely complicated to duplicate what a modern 
VCR does [OSD's, etc] in logic gates -- it's much simpler in 
software). Now, changing the programming is difficult, but possible. 
(BTW, DVD players can be "enhanced" too, but since their CPU tends to 
be embedded into the MPEG2 decoder chip, they have to use an outside 
firmware ROM. Changing the ROM is often a way to "enhance" the DVD 

Of course, with the advent of stuff like FPGAs and PALs, etc, it makes 
it difficult to examine the layout of a circuit board (ask anyone who 
tried to write an emulator), even with the schematic. It's easy to 
identify the RAM, the ROM, etc, but the peripheral I/O is difficult to 
map into the proper address space without actually looking at the