
jh1521@e... jh1521 at e...
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 12:38:41 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., "Mark Williams" <mw362@y...> wrote:
> It's going to run on for a while... then it'll end.
> I extracted yesterday's (rerun) West Wing to a file on a Windows
> Pro machine over my TiVoNET. (..)
> I'll tackle the VCD compression and burn tomorrow...
> M

Why not go with SVCD? Agreed, you'll need 2 CDs for a 60-minute show,
but the quality is far superior. BTW, here's a all-in-one tool for
creating SVCDs, which was released yesterday: SVCDcorder, at
http://svcdcorder.esmartbiz.com/. You _do_ need the external mjpeg
codec (they recommend the PICvideo mjpeg) and the standalone cc
encoder *hint:http://apachez.has.it*. :)