httpd.tcl changes

John Schult johndavid65 at h...
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 03:03:20 -0000

OK, I obviously had way too much time on my hands this weekend... I 
hate pasting this code in this post (as I am sure the CRLFs are all 
screwed up), but what the heck. If anyone actually cares enough to 
use it, I am sure they will figure it out.


proc page_header_start {title desc colspan} {
set ret [html_table_start "BGCOLOR=\"#F0F8FF\" BORDER=\"0\" 
WIDTH=\"50\%\"" "" ""]
append ret "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#B0C4DE\"><TH ALIGN=\"CENTER\" 
append ret "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFE0\"><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" 
COLSPAN=\"$colspan\"><FONT SIZE=\"-2\">$desc</FONT></TD></TR>"
return $ret

proc page_header_end {} {
append ret [html_table_end]	
return $ret

proc action_remount {chan path} {
if {[string index $path 0] == "/"} {
set path [string range $path 1 end]

puts $chan [html_start "TivoHack Web Remote"]
puts $chan [page_header_start "TiVoHack Web Root Remount" "This 
widget is used to mount the root filesystem. &#160;The table below 
displays the current output of the mount command for the root 
filesystem. &#160;To change the mount option, click the button. 
&#160;Changes are reflected <B>immediately</B>." 4 ]

if {$path == "ro" } {
exec mount -oremount,ro /
} elseif {$path == "rw" } {
exec mount -oremount,rw /
puts $chan "<TR><TH>device</TH><TH>mount 
# check to see how / is currently mounted
set output [exec mount]
set mount_out [ string range $output 0 [ string first ")" 
$output ] ]
list $mount_out
set remount "ro"
set remount_txt "Read Only"
set option_color "green"
if { [regexp -nocase {\(ro\)} $mount_out] } {
set remount "rw"
set remount_txt "Read Write"
set option_color "red"
puts $chan "<TR ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><TD>[lindex $mount_out 0]
</TD><TD>[lindex $mount_out 2]</TD><TD>[lindex $mount_out 4]
</TD><TD><FONT COLOR=\"$option_color\">[lindex $mount_out 5]
puts $chan "<TR><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" COLSPAN=\"4
puts $chan "<TR><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" COLSPAN=\"4\">"
puts $chan "<FORM><INPUT TYPE=\"BUTTON\" 
ONCLICK=\"location.href='$remount'\" VALUE=\"Remount As 
puts $chan "</TD></TR>"
puts $chan [page_header_end]
puts $chan [html_end]


Enjoy, I guess.
