help! tivo won't boot now

David Beccue at b...
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 20:38:51 -0000

Let me know if this isn't the right forum.

I'm desperate.

I had almost everything ready to start my first extraction. I was 
studying the httpd.tcl file to see how the extraction mechansim 
worked through the web. All was fine.

I killed process 210, the "tivosh httpd.tcl" process, and all of a 
sudden Tivo rebooted, and it's never made it back up since.

I've looked at the log files on another computer, I can send excerpts 
from them, if useful.

The most useful excerpt seems to be the following out of tverr:

Jun 22 15:49:15 (none) TmkMultiMpegClip::Trace[128]: Tried to delete 
reader clip
Jun 22 15:54:58 (none) TmkMultiMpegClip::Trace[128]: Tried to delete 
reader clip
Jun 22 16:48:01 (none) Recorder[128]: Live cache exceeding limit by 
373 seconds
Jun 22 18:52:50 (none) TmkEventSwitcher[66]: MFS-using group 210 died!
Jan 1 00:00:47 (none) TmkAssertionFailure[58]: (FsPhysDisk, line 
153 ())
Jan 1 00:00:47 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Tmk Fatal Error: Thread 
MfsDaemon <58> died due to signal -2
Jan 1 00:00:47 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Tmk Thread Backtrace: 3015a570 
301583c8 300f6310 300e85b0 300e8070 300ea400 300eafbc 300e25d0 
30068734 30067328 3015581c 3015ad4c 3015ae98 301559fc 300695e4 
30068c94 30068b40 30155b68 3015ad4c 3015ae98 30155c70 30155d84 
30068d4c 1801dd8 1801f80 1801be8 
Jan 1 00:00:47 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Tmk Fatal Error: Thread died 
due to signal -2
Jan 1 00:00:47 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Invoking rule 834: rebooting 
Jan 1 00:00:14 (none) TmkAssertionFailure[58]: (FsPhysDisk, line 
153 ())
Jan 1 00:00:14 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Tmk Fatal Error: Thread 
MfsDaemon <58> died due to signal -2
Jan 1 00:00:14 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Tmk Thread Backtrace: 3015a570 
301583c8 300f6310 300e85b0 300e8070 300ea400 300eafbc 300e25d0 
30068734 30067328 3015581c 3015ad4c 3015ae98 301559fc 300695e4 
30068c94 30068b40 30155b68 3015ad4c 3015ae98 30155c70 30155d84 
30068d4c 1801dd8 1801f80 1801be8 
Jan 1 00:00:14 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Tmk Fatal Error: Thread died 
due to signal -2
Jan 1 00:00:14 (none) MfsDaemon[58]: Invoking rule 834: rebooting 

Can anyone recommend anything I can do?
