zss Version 0.55 is out!

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 09:22:14 -0700 (PDT)

Well, I still don't have my main machine back up & running just yet
(but should be over the weekend) so I set up my laptop with cygwin &
whatnot (and I purchased the GWD text editor - very nice for C
programming, especially with the color output on printing the
listings) and I put in my new logging changes and compiled it, then
debugged it for 8 hours... ;-)

and now I gave it the ability of outputting the actual hex of the
4-byte & 8-byte headers, and also... it can now output the logfile in
HTML! I have added an -html switch, and it automagically adds the
.html extension and spits out the error messages in different colors
/ bold / italics...

There are a few other changes I made which are listed on the website,
but I did notice on the one test tystream I had, all of those 8-byte
video headers appeared to be GOP headers, so I'm a little closer to
being able to break video by GOP header than I thought... :-)

I also want to start some stronger output logging on the 'bad'
ty.chunks, so I can get closer to finding out _why_ they're bad and
finding a way to easily (or at least make it possible to) salvage
them without multiple executions of zss...

Anywho, back to work, but I thought I'd share this with y'all... As
always, if you have any questions / opinions / ideas / whatever,
lemme know - I'll do what I can to keep things rolling.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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