My VSplit program Alpha #11b has been released...

jewser joshua at b...
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 23:29:33 -0000

> I've been using mfs_stream to extract to my linux
> box and running the stream through vsplit11b. Very
> clean conversion, thanks!
> I was hoping you could recompile the linux version
> with a larger filesize limit. When I use it on 
> movies I get:
> .........17100.........17200.........17300.........17400.....Filesiz
> limit exceeded

Ummm. 11b has large files size code in it. It is always used 
everytime. Check the underlying filesystem. Make sure it is ext2 or 
ext3. If it is a VFAT or VFAT32 (or whatever the latest term is for 
the FAT32 look-a-like for Linux) then you have other issues. Some of 
the other users are constantly doing 2+ hour movies and not having 
size problems...
