Problems with mfs_export

Grant Stockly grant at s...
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 22:28:12 -0900

mfs export copies the files reliably, but the file output is horrible. I 
used the 5 FSIDs from the "Now Showing" of a simple single file httpd.tcl 

When I received the 5 files to my windows box, I copied them all in order 
to one file. The result was a crash in tyconvert. I then ran tyconvert on 
each of the files. Between FSID 1 and 2 there is ~10 minutes 
missing! Anyone know whats going on here???

How do I decode what I see at ./mfs_ls /Recording/NowShowing?
fsid type name
694764 tyDb A:88255:20801:694764
694565 tyDb A:88255:85601:694565
694501 tyDb A:88256:74501:694501
697121 tyDb A:88256:85601:697121
693971 tyDb A:88259:20801:693971
693771 tyDb A:88260:20801:693771
693576 tyDb A:88261:20801:693576
568304 tyDb A:88533:85901:568304
None of those are any FSID I see on my NowShowing www page.
