[ExtractStream] Re: playitsam on 2.5.x

Warren Toomey wkt at t...
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 10:30:25 +1000 (EST)

In article by mikertx:
> > I need to find a simple way of determining what version of software
> the TiVo is running. Any ideas? Can people send me the contents of
> > /etc/build-version for the various TiVos, 2.5.1, 2.x, DirectTiVos
> and SAs?

> OK, I've verified that "switcherstart" works for 2.5.1. I
> compiled playitsam with the change and now when I run with the
> -M option it properly restarts MyWorld. Before this it worked
> fine but it would do a full reboot upon exit.

Thanks. I have added code to Playitsam to detect versions 1.3.x and 2.5.x
of the TiVo software, and I run switcherstart on the 2.5.x platforms.

A tplayitsam binary for the TiVo is at

with this modification. Could a few people test the -M switch with
this version and confirm that it works on 2.5? I've tested it on 1.3
with no errors.

If anybody has a system which isn't 1.3 nor 2.5, could they send me their
/etc/build-version file?
