[ExtractStream] Re: A new back end for TyTool.

Don Starr don at s...
Mon, 3 Jun 2002 18:32:24 -0700

>Dude. No. It just takes a second. Like 5-10 seconds total for the
>Tivo to catch up and clear out the socket. Then it can be restarted.
>It has a number of interrupt handlers to catch errors and shutdown
>cleanly. Just show a little patience and all will be well.

Well, I repeated the test. I created a new directory and copied just
tserver_mfs3 there. Start tserver_mfs3 (no options). On the PC, start
TyTool-Alpha2.exe. Adjust IP address and local dir. Click "Refresh".
Naturally, I get an immediate failure because NowShowing.tcl is not
found. Close TyTool. CTRL-C out of tserver_mfs3. Continuously try to
re-start tserver_mfs3. Fails to start for approx 60 seconds (I've
measured between 55 and 60). Error message is "Bad binding in the
server: Address already in use". If I do not stop TyTool, restarting
tserver_mfs3 fails indefinitely (where "indefinitely" is defined as
"some time greater than 5 minutes", because I gave up). After trying
for 5 minutes, I killed TyTool and tried to restart tserver_mfs3 some
more - after 60 seconds it succeeded.

If NowShowing.tcl exists and I do the Refresh in TyTool and let it
complete successfully, then I CTRL-C out of tserver_mfs3, restarting
fails for 60 seconds. This happens whether TyTool is left running or

If there has never been a connection to tserver_mfs3 (i.e. I never try
the Refresh operation in TyTool), and I CTRL-C out of tserver_mfs3,
then I can restart tserver_mfs3 immediately.

Is the above different from what you'd expect?

Environment. Sony SA ver 2.5.1-01-1-010, Windows 2000 Pro SP2.
