[ExtractStream] OT: NFS for 2.5.1?

Warren Toomey wkt at t...
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 21:32:00 +1000 (EST)

In article by Stealth Dave:
> The 2.0.1 modules will work just fine. They'll complain a bit and say
> it's not the correct kernel version, but they work. I've been running
> them for quite some time without problems, as have others.
> - Stealth Dave

Hmm, it fails for me:

bash-2.02# uname -a
Linux (none) 2.1.24-TiVo-2.5 #3 Fri Oct 5 10:19:51 PDT 2001 ppc unknown

bash-2.02# insmod /lib/modules/nfs-2.0.1.o 
/lib/modules/nfs-2.0.1.o: kernel-module version mismatch
/lib/modules/nfs-2.0.1.o was compiled for kernel version 2.1.24-TiVo.1
while this kernel is version 2.1.24-TiVo-2.5.

bash-2.02# mount -o wsize=8192,rsize=8192 /mnt
mount: fs type nfs not supported by kernel

Thanks though!