[ExtractStream] Re: audio ok, but only 3 seconds of video

Scott Alfter yahoo at s...
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 13:20:50 -0700

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 05:01:19PM -0000, George_Cercone wrote:
> --- In ExtractStream@y..., Scott Alfter <yahoo@s...> wrote:
> > TivoApp will work fine for extracting the show, but it doesn't do so
> > good a job of making valid MPEG files out of it. Have it extract the
> > raw data (save to .ty, not .mpg) and use TyConvert to convert the .ty
> > file you get. It worked for me for a 3-hour program, at least.
> Are you going to separate files or to an mpeg in tyconvert?
> Perhaps a list of settings you are using in tyconvert?

I told it to create one file...two files would probably work, but I haven't
tested it that way. "Don't skip invalid chunks" and "auto-sync audio"
should be checked. (You'll get a warning about auto-sync...ignore it.)

The audio will be split out of the MPEG file when you process it through
DVD2AVI. You'll get a .d2v file to feed to VFAPIConv to produce a
frameserved AVI and an .mp2 file which can be converted to WAV by most MP3
players. The AVI and WAV files you end up with can be muxed, edited, and
encoded with whatever apps you want.

/ v \ Scott Alfter (salfter@s...)
(IIGS( http://salfter.dyndns.org
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