fifo example

Grant Stockly grant at s...
Sun, 03 Mar 2002 20:45:35 -0900

bash-2.02# ls
bin lost+found persist transfer ty3 utils
dev mtab run ty1 ty4
log packages tmp ty2 ty5
bash-2.02# cat ty1 ty2 ty3 ty4 ty5 > transfer &
[1] 148
bash-2.02# /mnt/mfs_export 698234 ty1; /mnt/mfs_export 698235 ty2; 
/mnt/mfs_export 698236 ty3; /mnt/mfs_export 698237 ty4; /mnt/mfs_export 
698238 ty5
exporting fsid 698234 of size 536870912 to ty1
starting at 0 for 536870912 bytes
exporting fsid 698235 of size 536870912 to ty2
starting at 0 for 536870912 bytes
exporting fsid 698236 of size 536870912 to ty3
starting at 0 for 536870912 bytes
exporting fsid 698237 of size 536870912 to ty4
starting at 0 for 536870912 bytes
exporting fsid 698238 of size 520093696 to ty5
starting at 0 for 520093696 bytes
[1]+ Done cat ty1 ty2 ty3 ty4 ty5 >transfer

(Pressing enter after a background process ends ( cat & ) will show 

The ftp client received all bytes, and the tystream splits without a problem.
