[ExtractStream] New version of zss available... lotsa added features!

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 17:06:51 -0800 (PST)

--- "Edmond E. Shwayri" <eshwayri@n...> wrote:

All my programs are designed with pointers to arrays of pointers
point to yet other structures.&nbsp; I know what you mean.

I'm going to try and tackle the audio offset problem. I want to
come up with a unified theory on that and I'm not even close :-( I
cannot find any rhyme or reason for its decisions. On digital
programs the offset seems to be from somewhere around the 5th packet,
it moves around.&nbsp; On analog programs it seems more predictable,


Dunno if this will help, but with my new zss, you can do this:

zss -t -v -d1 nameofshow >> multidroptest.log
zss -t -v -d2 nameofshow >> multidroptest.log
zss -t -v -d3 nameofshow >> multidroptest.log
zss -t -v -d4 nameofshow >> multidroptest.log
zss -t -v -d5 nameofshow >> multidroptest.log

and it will drop the first chunk, then try to calculate the audio
offset, & exit for each run of zss. The different offsets will be
appended to multidroptest.log, and maybe you might start to see a
pattern emerge? It's just a shot in the dark, but if maybe if you
figure out your audio offsets by hand & find something that matches
up with the above method, might get you closer to the 'holy grail'???

Just thinking (poorly, prolly) out my finners,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

p.s. I know *you* know that >> means append, but maybe there's others
on the list that don't know about that type of redirection, so that's
why I 'splained it more clearly...

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