ZSS version 0.54 Available! Even Better Logging! (& 1 bug... ;-)

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:37:17 -0800 (PST)

--- Grant Stockly <grant@s...> wrote:

> Same with me. I learned 68000 assembler before I knew basic!

I have an Atari 1040ST & a Falcon030 just *waiting* for me to learn

> >And it's compiled under 32-bit DOS-like Cygwin's gcc. I don't
> think
> >it'll compile anything for a windowed environment (other than
> Does anyone know why when you compile something under cygwin with
> -static 
> it still requires cygwin.dll? Is this something that can't be
> avoided?

I did a little playing with compiling with the switches that showed
on that website, and in the link that I sent you I think the guy was
kinda wrong... He was talking about compiling in cygwin static, but
AFAICS that's not possible, but (it seems to me) you can compile to
the MSVC standard alleviating the cygwin1.dll necessity... zss 0.54
is compiled like that.

The webpage said to use the switches -mno-cygwin & -lcygwin
but it seems those switches are mutually exclusive... whenever I
compiled with both, the proggie just barfed. (At first I thought it
was a bug in the code, as it "compiled" fine...) However, compiling
with just -mno-cygwin compiles & runs fine, but I currently don't
have a computer without cygwin1.dll, so I cannot test it. Anyone else
out there who's not a *nix-head who doesn't have Cygwin installed
wanna give it a try? I've uploaded it to my website:


I've started logging the largest/smallest video & audio sizes per
record & max/min 5 per zss execution, and came up with some
interesting things... The smallest video record I came across was 4
bytes, and I came across quite a few! (at least 1 in almost every
chunk!) The next smallest was 8 bytes, and there were a fair amount
of those as well. So, I've changed the "logging string" which shows
the type of records in the chunk to show this:

A - audio record; V - video record, ^ - 4-byte video record, v
(lowercase) - 8-byte video record, and the minimum record size is
calculated without taking the 4- & 8-byte records into account.

The bug in the program is at the end of the logging, it's supposed to
print out the 5 Max & 5 Min audio & video blocks... but I goofed it
up & it prints all zeros. Ah well, that's why %deity% made grep...
;-) Please ignore that, for I won't fix/remove that from the next
version... I have to get to bed to keep moving more crap tomorrow...
Moving sucks! :-/

=-=-= also =-=-=

Someone was asking about how to get the command.com window in Winders
to revert to 80-column... I found a webpage that might help:


HTH somebody! G'Nite,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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