Perfect ty streams!

Grant Stockly grant at s...
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 10:16:56 -0900

Not a signal error reported, and playitsam doesn't segfault.

We need to change playitsam's internal play/record code (which I think is 
mfs_export based) since it copies the last fsid. I'm not sure if it does 
the first, but I KNOW it does the last. Here is what works wonders for me:

./mfs_export -s 131072 -c 536608768 <yourfsid> <youroutfile>

To correctly edit and save the stream you need a scratch space disk on the 
tivo, or do your editing on a linux box. I just threw a 13GB drive into 
the tivo and use that.

By saving the outfiles from mfs_export, playitsam loves the output. Not a 
SINGLE hickup in the video or audio at the transition between tystream files!!!

Btw, whats the proper way to shutdown a tivo? Pull the plug? It is a 
linux device...but I guess its also intended as a consumer device. I 
usually go to setup and choose restart and then pull the plug before it can 
get going again...or just use the restart command from a shell.
