Perfect ty streams!

willieb9000 willieb9000 at y...
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 18:44:39 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., Grant Stockly <grant@s...> wrote:

> By saving the outfiles from mfs_export, playitsam loves the output. 
Not a 
> SINGLE hickup in the video or audio at the transition between 
tystream files!!!

Grant -- have you edited the tystream and exported the ty to a 
computer other than tivo? I cut out a few commercials from an Alias 
episode (she's hot) and saved the resulting ty to my tyserver (win2k 
box). At the edit, the conversion programs crapped out and there was 
an audible glitch in the mpa audio there. I am sure it is probably 
that the cuts do not cut in exactly the proper place (or do not 
rebuild the stream properly where they were cut), but fixing this 
along with your leaving out the 4096 block would be nice if there is 
a way.... 

I have a ton of other ideas for things you could do with playitsam, 
but unfortunately I am not a programmer, so I will wait until Warren 
asks for suggestions and see what he thinks of them....