[ExtractStream] Re: Alternate TV listing options

Mark Jeffcoat jeffcoat at a...
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 08:01:59 -0600

On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 11:58:22PM -0000, logictrap wrote:
> --- In ExtractStream@y..., Mark Jeffcoat <jeffcoat@a...> wrote:
> > between not very useful and a complete waste of time. I'm
> > getting my SVCD fix by adjusting the recording resolution
> > and bitrates directly on the Tivo (using Tivoweb). This 
> Have you had any luck editting out commercials on a Linux-only
> setup? The methods I know of (playitsam and GOPchop) both seem
> to produce not-quite-right files that I have little luck using
> vcdbuilder etc with.

I don't think I even got as far as getting GOPchop to build
correctly before getting irritated and realizing that most
of what I'm archiving is on commercial-free PBS anyway. 

I'm kindof surprised, though, that GOPchop doesn't work--
have you got any more information? (Like, what exactly goes
wrong, and what error/warning messages do you get; and
how are you getting from tystream to MPEG2?) I'm trying 
to figure out how close GOPchop is to being really useful tool.

On a not-quite-related subject, what bitrates are you
(and anybody else interested) using? Right now, I've
got my Tivo set up to record at 480x480 with 1325000 bps
when I want to fit an hour on an SVCD, and 2500000 when
I'm trying to get close to the limit of SVCD quality, but
those numbers are still are pretty arbitrary. Anybody got 
any good reasons for picking particular values? 

Mark Jeffcoat