[ExtractStream] Working with a MAC

Fedward Potz fedward at f...
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 22:40:17 -0500

On 26/3/02 21:15, "STUFTOYS" <fontpro@u...> wrote:

> i know there are a few users here with Macs. Just wondering is there
> anyway (without Tivonet) to to PPP with a Tivo SA? I have a newer G4 and
> there's no serial modem port just USB. I'm planing on getting a Turbo
> when they become available. I'm mainly interested in working with
> Tivoguide 1.2 and other slice scripts.

I don't actually use my Macs for any TiVo-related stuff, but you should
check out the g4Port from Griffin Technology
( http://www.griffintechnology.com/serial/g4port.html ) if you don't
actually rely on your modem. You could try a Keyspan serial adapter
otherwise, but I don't know if that would work for this purpose. You'd
probably also have to run OS X (if you're not already), but I see that pppd
is already installed so it shouldn't be too hard to get running if you get
the right DB9->Mini-DIN adapter cable.