ExtractStreamDX1 and missing data problems...

jewser joshua at b...
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 17:48:28 -0000

Re all...

I am working on custom program to split out the Video and Audio 
pieces of a DTivo TyStream. So far it works very well. I can maintain 
A/V sync throughout the length of most streams...

But in some certain cases the stream is being extract incorrectly 
with ExtractStreamDx1. I reached this conclusion because if I extract 
the stream with MFS_Export it does not have this problem.

Basically at the same point in every 1hour TyStream I get 4 blocks of 
bad data rather than what should really be there.

Is anyone still working on the program? Or understand how it is 
trying to index things? I a hope a fix already exists or that someone 
can help me make one.

Any information would be greatly appriciated.
