basic software installation help... PLEASE

Auction Fun fontpro at u...
Wed, 1 May 2002 01:57:31 -0700


I'm kind of stuck and would really appreciate a bit of help. I have my 
Turbonet installed in an SA. Booted w/ the Linux CD and Turbonet floppy. 
Successfully loaded the drivers. I have Tivoftpd on the same floppy. I'd 
like to install it in the Tivo A drive while it is on the computer.

I think I am missing something. This is where i am,

mkdir /mnt/4
mkdir /mnt/7
mount /dev/hdc4 /mnt/4
mount /dev/hdc7 /mnt/7

now the instruction say to create the /var/hack directory to copy to. is 
this correct?

mkdir /mnt/4/var/hack
mkdir /mnt/7/var/hack

now the instructions just say I need to copy the files over, but there 
isn't an example. I can follow directions, but I'm not a linux person.

What am I missing? I just want to get the files needed on the tivo so I 
can network and copy the other files over ethernet.

