[Keskydee] [ADMIN] Welcome to the new lists

Marc Merlin marc@merlins.org
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 01:12:00 -0800

I have changed the list server for something a little more up to date and
easy to use.

In the process I have created three lists.

The first list is a list opened for everyone to read and post.
The second list is a subset and only contains posts from Ludo Lamy
The third list is yet a smaller subset and only contains event announcements
(no apartement, job, or other non event related announcements)

For  now, I  have subscribed  everyone  to afscv-talk  but you  are free  to
unsubscribe from talk  and subscribe to just announce or  events if you want
to receive less messages.
The lists are here:

The main page you should bookmark however is this one:

As you will  see there, the archives  have been fixed and  are fully working

Again, in a nutshell,  only Ludo can post to the last  two lists. Send Email
to afscv-post@merlins.org if  you want to submit something  (it will forward
your Email to Ludo).
Also, no need to subscribe to more than one list since they are chained.

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