[SA-exim] Re: feedback: SpamAssassin at SMTP time in local_scan

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Wed, 8 May 2002 19:06:29 -0700

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 09:06:56PM -0500, dman wrote:
> | I'll make another version tonight with  your mail save idea, and think =
> | what  I can  reasonably add  to  do simple  matching on  the body  (any=
> | matching in the headers can be done with "condition" in the exim ACLs)
> Hmm, that's an idea.  I reread the ACL part of the spec, and it seems
> that the system filter can be redone as an acl almost identically,
> though it makes the text harder to read.  I converted most of it to an
> acl, but didn't test it yet.
Can you scan the mail body with condition?
> Anyways, one of  the reasons for having the  more general external-process
> interface  is to  put all  of that  logic into  a separate  program.  This
> eliminates the  need to rebuild and  re-install exim for each  change, and
> allows the tests to be written in a higher-level language than C.
Yep, but you're probably not going to be happy with the overhead.
What we really need is for exim to dynamically load a local_scan.so

As for your  wish to do more serious modifications,  we probably need/want a
second hook, after the mail has been accepted, as you mentionned earlier.
I think we should wait for Philip to come back, and discuss this with him.
> -D
> PS.  I'm not getting any messages from the list, only the Cc'd copy.

2002-05-08 18:57:33 175dBT-0002IM-00 => dman@dman.ddts.net F=<sa-exim-bounces+dm
an=3Ddman.ddts.net@merlins.org> R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp S=5623 H=dman.ddts.net 
[] C="250 OK id=175dKk-0005bg-00"

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