[SA-exim] Verbose reports?

Brian Kendig brian at enchanter.net
Thu May 29 16:28:30 PDT 2003

I want to set report_header and use_terse_report (both in 
SpamAssassin's local.cf) to 0, so that the details of how spam was 
scored appear in the body of the message.  This will make it a lot 
easier to see which individual tests the spam triggered, and whether 
any of 'em lowered the spam's score (as spammers are getting smart 
enough to do), so that I can tweak my SA scores.

But the SA-Exim install file says that report_header and 
use_terse_report both should be 1.  Is that still a requirement, will 
SA-Exim have trouble with a verbose report in the body?

  ____    |\/|                 Brian Kendig   Set your priorities right.
  \  /\   / ..__.    brian at enchanter net   No one ever said on his
   \/  \__\   _/   http://www.enchanter.net/  death bed, "Gee, if I'd
    \__   __  \_      Be insatiably curious.  only spent more time at
       \____\___\           Ask "why" a lot.  the office."

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