[SA-exim] Re: sa-exim and junk bounces

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Mon Jul 26 17:40:20 PDT 2004

On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 05:28:46AM +0930, Ron wrote:
> Hey Marc,
Try the sa-exim list if you can, you'll get more (and better) help than
just mine.

> I have a wish for sa-exim...  I get a lot of junk bounces courtesy of
> people who forge their spam from my addresses.  I want to bounce as
> much spam as I can at smtp time, but I don't want to contribute to
> this problem.

> That means I can't reject anything that comes from a trusted forwarder
> which already accepted the mail in good faith for me, since the bounce
> address is likely to be bogus (if it's spammy) and the real originator
> is long gone.
True, although there isn't a perfect solution to this. I do reject mail
from some forwarders (not MXes since I recommend that you run sa-exim on
all your MXes or only publish one, I was referring to .forward).
I guess I look at it like smtp callbacks: if they accepted the mail,
that's not reason for me to be as loose as they are and accept it too.
Sure, it fills up their queue, but eh, maybe that's an incentive for
them to get better filtering :)

> This seems easy enough, I have a bunch of rules in exim to
> discriminate the messages that are no longer safe to bounce in
> good conscience, from the hosts that I'm free to be as mean as
> I please to if they are caught in the act.  What I was hoping
> to do was get sa-exim to /dev/null the really spammy stuff from
> both groups, but never reject a message that might spam someone
> (who likely didn't send it) with its bounce.
> Since there is no separate condition for this, I thought I
> would be able to kludge its equivalent with:
> SApermreject: ${if eq{$acl_m0}{dont-bounce}{14285.7}{12.0}}

Mmmmh, I think that wouldn't be too hard to do. I'll see what I can do
about this.

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