[From nobody Wed Mar 12 08:17:40 2003 Subject: Re: [Exim] Exim version 4.14 From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@billy.demon.nl> To: exim-users@exim.org In-Reply-To: <Pine.SOL.4.44.0303121012090.14208-100000@draco.cus.cam.ac.uk> References: <Pine.SOL.4.44.0303121012090.14208-100000@draco.cus.cam.ac.uk> Content-Type: text/plain Organization: Message-Id: <1047484693.13321.88.camel@localhost> Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.2.1 Date: 12 Mar 2003 16:58:15 +0100 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ons, 2003-03-12 kl. 11:13 skrev Philip Hazel: > I have put Exim 4.14 on the primary ftp site: > ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/email/exim/exim4/exim-4.14.tar.bz2 Bang. For anyone who cares, it compiles beautifully with Marc's SA-Exim 2.2 and David Woodhouse's/dman's dlopen patch (*I* care, namely). Copied my SA-Exim patched 4.12/Local/* to 4.14, ran the dlopen patch, compiled. I shut down my 4.12 service and ran 4.14 out of the compile directory as 'exim -d -bd -q15m' and let a few mails in. 'tail -f' on mainlog, and me in the xterm daemon debug screen, watching things go by. I can scroll back 2048 lines when I wish, and when things had quietened down did so. *WOW*. I didn't get the chance to read the blurb yet, but I'm obviously going to have to. Philip, I'll buy your book twice, once it's out - you deserve it, or the difference in Belgian Palm beer the next time you're in Utrecht. 4.14 is definitely a /major/ release. In as much as it puts the "competition" that much further behind it (a bit like Ferrari, I'm an Alfa Romeo person). This morning, there was a sad Sendmail admin on the SA list, who wondered if he could stop spammers' dictionary attacks with his MTA and procmail. Another Sendmail admin told him he'd have a hard time. I let them see Giuliano's Exim one-liner, hihi. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Exim's ... ecstasy. Gratters all. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw 247,035 lemmings can't be wrong ... Ask the man from Framfjord e-post: tonni@billy.demon.nl www: http://www.billy.demon.nl ]