Sorry for the flapping, fixed now.

Marc MERLIN marc at
Sat Nov 19 18:36:51 PST 2011

Dear readers,

You may have noticed a bit of spam on some lists with a status flapping back
and forth.

The bug is that caltrans has 2 servers for their roadinfo URL, they are
using round robin DNS (remember the internet in the late '90s?) and one of
the 2 servers was serving out of date information.

This was causing my script to get one page and the other back and forth and
seeing a state change every single time.

Sorry about that, I fixed it by wroting extra code to look at the
Last-Modified: header in the http response, and discard a page that is older
than the previous one (and all in shell, woot!) :)

I also tried to notify caltrans, but I have no idea if it'll ever get to
their real webmaster, we'll see.

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