[Empeg-general] Re: Mark 2 faceplate restricts viewing angle

alear@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org alear@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 04:54:00 GMT

I have adjusted my screen which was mounted a little high on the circuit board.  However, the first 3-4 characters are still at least half covered.  If you had read my post, I clearly said I do not have digital camera.  The picture I got was from the internet.  It was there to simply show the dash.  The picture may have been taken slightly more forward than the driver would normally sit but it is way back from the steering wheel. You don't know what zoom setting it was on so for all we know it could have been taken from outside the back of the vehicle!  The picture was not there to show viewing angle because it doesn't!  I even tried to make a note about the picture so it wouldn't fool people.  

The fact that I am 6'1" tall (which isn't that odd) shouldn't be an issue.


I am tired of explaining this to people that have ideal installs in their vehicles.  This doesn't concern you.  If this was the case in your vehicle you wouldn't be saying things like "it's your cars fault" or "you took the picture too close."  This is not a problem that I created for myself,  other people in this thread have commented that they have seen or have the problem too.  I really believe that there is more than a few people with this problem even if it is not as bad.  I really don't think my car is to blame more than the empeg itself.  Every other radio that has been in the vehicle (and every other car stereo on the market)can be clearly veiwed.  It's time to stop blaming me or my vehicle and ask yourself, "Does the faceplate limit the viewing angle?"  Once you answer that, you may begin to understand the problem for me.

I think the biggest problem with this thread is that people are willing to put up with obscured pixels rather than admit that in this case the empeg has a problem.  This issue is not new.  empeg knew the faceplate would limit viewing.  I'm sure they didn't anticipate it being such a problem for some customers.  I have put up with the problem so far but I think it's silly to do so.  The empeg is a really great hardware/software product and shouldn't be limited by the physical case.

Even this is a problem that could be handled in software.  I have suggested a reasonable fix to the problem by adding a (selectable) few character margin for the top line and I hope they don't consider it a waste of their time.  At least one of their current customers is counting on it and some future customers will appreciate it.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my empeg as much as anyone and I enjoy the feedback from this BBS as long as you are really trying to see the frustration from my view too.

Alex Lear