[Empeg-general] Re: Help with Navigating Playlists

dionysus@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org dionysus@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 05:27:00 GMT

In reply to:Now I know that the Empeg is supposed to "liberate" us from the shackles of the single CD, but sometimes (most of the time) I like to listen to specific albums, not specific tracks. Or if I pick a specific track I'd like to continue listening to the CD it came from. I guess what I am trying to ask, is there a way to jump from playlist to playlist without returning to the "root?" Navigating the Empeg by playlists as they were directories on a harddrive? Meaning the ability to "cd .." or jump to the next playlist down (next album in an artist's collection?)Well, one thing that you can do is to select the whole "james brown" category, and press down twice on it - it'll start playing his entire playlist... I think one feature here that'd help though is if empeg had the ability to "skip to next playlist" ...
In reply to:Also, I am unable to find a way to set the Empeg to "repeat." That is, if I am listening to a playlist and it finishes, to jump back to the first song in that playlist. Is this possible?I'm pretty certain that this item is being added to a later software update...

MK2: 36gb 
Tivo 90gb 
Computer: 120gb disk space
...I think drive manufactureres love me!