[Empeg-general] Re: Help with Navigating Playlists

Tony Fabris tfabris@jps.net
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 08:30:00 GMT

> You said something to the effect of "wait until you get your empeg" and since I have been using it for a while now, I feel I can bring this up again.

That's cool. Now we can converse on an equal footing and we can both be clear what it is you're asking for.

> I still really feel the need to be able to enqueue songs and even playlists.

But (and here's the catch) you want to do this from the main playlists menu, not from the search results screen. Is that what you're saying? Because you can enqueue songs from the search results right now. And everyone is asking for a search-by-playlist screen which would allow you to do it for playlists, too.

> And don't start with the searching thing.

Oh. Oops. OK. Sorry. :-)

I think I see the kind of thing you're asking for, and I think that it would be possible to add it to the current UI in a similar way that they've got the "append" feature working in the search screen. When traversing the playlists from the main menu, you could press the CD-MD-CH button to toggle it between "play", "append" and "insert" modes. By default, it could be in "play" mode every time you enter the playlist menu (so that Joe Consumer doesn't get confused), but a single button press toggles it over to the append/insert modes. The word "append playlist" or "insert playlist" could appear at the top of the screen. Then you could traverse the playlist structure and append to your heart's content.

I really could see this working and being useful. But the question is: How hard is it to code, and would enough people want this esoteric feature to make it worth Empeg's time to do the work? Anyone else want to chime in here?

(Note: I seem to recall this very thing being discussed on the Wish list a while ago...)

<A HREF="http://www.jps.net/tfabris" target="_new">Tony Fabris</A>_