[Empeg-general] Re: Automatic MP3 identification

Rob J ClemsonJeep@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 23:59:00 GMT

$ sndref "Beck - Mellow Gold - 12 - Blackhole.mp3"

I was reading through the forums and came upon this post.  It immediately made me call the last few of us remaining in the office into here to read it.  

I work for eTantrum, the company that created this.  :)  Ironic that I should see a post about it.  We just released our GPL'd code yesterday and it's already here.  Rock on!  

--plug alert, plug alert--

We support multiple formats too, MP3, Vorbis, WAV, etc.  I recommend you all try it out and tell all your friends too.  We have Linux and Win32 clients to demo the ID system. 

We also have a full Media Organization application out there called the PMA (Personal Media Agent) with both Win32 and Linux versions.  You can get this off our page.  It "learns" what you listen to, and not only will fingerprint your music and get the tags from our system, but will recommend music you might be interested in, as well as providing "more info" on albums you have, such as full album info and cover art.  Plus we have a kick ass player with a skinning system you've never seen the equal of.  ;)

-- end plug alert -- 

Still, that's pretty DAMN cool that this made it into the empeg forums so quickly.  :)

The code is on sourceforge under the project name Freetantrum, or you can head to <A HREF="http://" target="_new">www.freetantrum.org</A>, or our company's page at <A HREF="http://" target="_new">www.etantrum.com</A>.

Rock on empeg!

(O|||||O) / eTantrum :)