[Empeg-general] Re: Oh go on then, let's have (another) HHGTTG thread.

Henno Putto henno.empeg@xs4all.nl
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 08:14:00 GMT

> Once 1.1 comes out, we'll have Wendy Filters and Bookmarks, so I can just tuck it into a corner of the empeg and not worry about it coming up on shuffle,

Jee, I never imagened that kind of use for a Wendy filter. I guess setting up a filter to exclude the tracks that should be excluded from random play would work. Just hoping there are sufficient filters to set one away for this purpose.

(I still believe it's the wrong way around though,  and that the software should have a flag to exclude tracks/playlists from being selected in random playlists, rather than the current option to always play selected playlists randomly.

Anyhow, that's with my limited experience. Is there anybody out here who uses the 'always play random' flag option in emplode?

mk2 > 6 nr 6