[Empeg-general] Re: Can't Display Track Time

Tony Fabris tfabris@jps.net
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 21:00:00 GMT

> The track time currently doesn't work right for VBR files.

That's funny. The track times work just great for my VBR files. They're not particularly accurate, but at least the time advances without sitting at zero.

Is it possible that different VBR encoders write out different kinds of data to the files, and that some will show proper track times on the empeg, and others won't?

And to pgrzelak:

VBR files work fine on the Empeg. There is currently a small bug where FF and REW don't work perfectly with all VBR files. If you fast-forward or rewind in a VBR file, there is a chance it might only go to a certain point in the song and then just stick there, not going any farther. But that's only a problem with FF and REW, it isn't a problem if you're just playing a song.

And, as Roger said, they're working on getting VBR files to behave perfectly. That will happen pretty soon.

<A HREF="http://www.jps.net/tfabris" target="_new">Tony Fabris</A>_