[Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg

Calvin eternalsun@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:34:00 GMT

Ok guys, don't give the dude a hard time.  Hypothetically, if I have a 36 gigabyte empeg, and I have a PC with 8 gigs of hard drive space.  I invest great amounts of time ripping and encoding and uploading to the empeg.  However because of limited PC space I wipe out the 8 gigs and do another 8 gigs.  Over the course of 2 years the contents of the empeg is now irreplacable due to emotional attachment or whatever.  This includes equilizer settings and other prefernces on the empeg as well.  

So what's called for here, is a utility in emplode that pulls out a copy of the empeg contents, perhaps in an encrypted form, stream it out, break it up into ZIP disk sized chunks, or onto a CD burner.  These ".bak" files can't be used by any other program but empeg, but in the case of catestrohpic failure (ahem, tony) the procedure can be reversed.  

This would be also helpful for those who run the developer edition, and keep third party programs on board, and don't want to lose those in a failure.  

I wish Palm Pilots did that, that's for sure.  Every time I lose the contents of my pilot due to a failure, I lose *all* the third party programs and it's quite an ordeal to restore it all.
