[Empeg-general] Re: Mark 2 faceplate restricts viewing angle

Douglas Burnside burnside@alaska.net
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 00:35:00 GMT

> You should be able to just get your fingers on both sides of the top edge and gently pull the display towards the bottom of the case.

I tried that (twice, now) and the display doesn't move.  I have pressed hard enough to cause mild discomfort on the balls of my fingertips, and am afraid to press harder than that.

I would guess the bottom edge of the glass is 3--5 mm above the metal lip on the bottom of the front of the case.

What holds that display glass in place?  I remember reading somewhere something about sticky pads...

> The VFD mounting height is adjustable during manufacture - it depends where the sticky pads that hold the glass to the PCB are placed, as the glass itself has pins coming out of one side only.

(boy, am I good, or what!  :-)

...but I don't really understand the construction of it.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"