[Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg

Steve Schow sjs@bstage.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 00:45:52 -0700

Anyone know of any other inexpensive or free network backup software that
would work?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgrzelak@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
> [mailto:pgrzelak@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 4:57 AM
> To: empeg-general@empeg.merlins.org
> Subject: [Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg
> Greetings!
>   One thing that might work is if you load an FTP or HTTP
> server and use the filename wrapper system to assign
> human readable symbolic links to the files.  The instructions
> for how to do it are <a
> href="http://www2.fh-harz.de/~u15097/empeg/">here</a>.  This
> link was on <a href="http://www.empeg.mars.org/">the
> developer site</a>.
> While not as easy as being able to restore via emplode, it
> will still get the job done.
>   I hope this helps.  I haven't tried it myself, but it looks
> like it should work...  The reason this is not a legal issue
> for empeg is that you are modifying the software / using the
> developer kernal, loading your own software, etc.  In
> other words, it becomes your liability.
>   By the way, I agree with keeping a local backup, but that
> is sometimes not practical.  I am very anxious to get
> my empeg in that the hard drive my files are on is slowly
> becoming unstable.  I have a backup, but restoring would
> be very annoying.  Once loaded, I can replace the PC drive,
> and download the music back.  (No, I have no physical
> space or power left in my very small case to fit another hard
> drive to offload the audio - I tried that this past
> weekend...)
> Paul G.
> Q# 15189
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