[Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg

Nils Heidorn nils@2wcom.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 07:54:00 GMT

Well tony, i can assure you, that there are actually idiots sitting in this forum ( big red light blinking right over my head ) that bought their Mk1 without even thinking of the pervert situation that they cannot get back their mp3 files ( their *own* property ) from the empeg, not talking about wasting free space and not beeing able to use it as a mobile file exchange unit.

( Okay some smart*ss will say "but empeg said so right from the start" ...
I am not sure about this and i really don't care, that's why i wrote "idiots" in the first sentence, and not "honestly annoyed and betrayed customers" )

So let me tell you what i did ( not beeing as smart as most of the writers here ):
I ripped my whole CD collection years before to mp3's, at a time when i was not knowing about 'ID3 Tags', it was really *long* ago, when encoding 5 minutes took about 10-15 minutes ...
So when filling the empeg, i edited *every single file* of my collection, and gave it a proper ID3 Tag

( again, a smart*ass could say: "why did'nt you rip it again, this time with a CDDB enabled ripper ??".
Simple: using cut/copy/paste it took my 10 seconds to fill out one ID3 tags, ripping with my machine from pre-Mk1 days took about 1/4 th playing time, so typically 1 minutes, so my method was 6 times faster )

And i only had about 500 MByte space on my HD, so it was -> copying 500 MByte mp3 from my archival CD-R to the HD, editing the tags and transfering it to my Mk1, 8 times in total, because i started out with a 4 GByte Mk1.

And my mistake was to not even have a doubt about the "still to come" copy-back feature ( see "idiot" or "annoyed and betrayed customer" in the first section, depending on however the promise from empeg was at that early time ), so i didn't make a new CD'R copy at that time, because i believed in that feature to come.

So that is how things can go, and besides the fact that i believe that it would be nice to use the empeg as a mobile file storage device ( oh how i hate to bring my notebook if i already have a full capable but crippled device in my car ) i really would like to have a backup of my fully tagged files.


Not that it matters, but since i made my "early & untagged" mp3 archive, about 170 CD's have been stolen from me ( my car was robbed 12 times until now, so 20 CD's were stolen in total, and then there was one occasion where i lost 50 DAT Tapes containing approx 130 hours (150 CD's) of my most beloved music, from the *very* early times when i made my transition from CD to DAT, and i happened to park my car 30 minutes when transporting my full collection to my new flat, still suffering from this as many of those CD's are not available any more )