[Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg

Jeremy Strain jstrain@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 13:12:00 GMT

as has been pointed out many many many times before, the point is not whether or not the copy protection will actually stop people from pirating mp3s.  it won't.  the point is, regardless of what common sense tells us, the riaa can go after empeg for such a feature.  again, it shouldn't be like that but that is not the point.  the point is the same one with the visuals.  empeg should not have to cover their collective behinds just b/c someone may crash their car and blame it on the empeg's visuals, but due to legal issues, they have to do these things to cover themselves.  

of course file transfer ability would be nice, but it isn't going to happen anytime soon.  does this make sense?  no.  will this stop music piracy?  no.  should empeg be able to offer this feature?  yes, but the simple fact of it is that they CANNOT.  it is a stupid limitation, but it is NOT really an empeg limitation.  it is a limitation of people's common sense like the riaa.  it is a limitation of freedom to do what you want with your music.  unfortunately, emepg has to comply with these limitations, and in doing so, pass them onto us.  i am 100% sure that if it were not for groups like the riaa, empeg would have implemented this feature a long time ago.  

can we please drop the whole subject.  it is not empegs fault.  there is no really good reason why they should have to cover themselves like this, but the fact remains that they have to.  nothing they or any of us can do about it.

tony or dionysus, maybe we should put a faq entry for banned topics like this one or the visuals on startup or the open source question:)


12 gig, green...