[Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg - JUST DO IT!

Rob Voisey rob@empeg.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 13:17:00 GMT

Empeg have made their position clear on this issue many times.

There's enough source and information out there for someone to write a backup utility in a weekend if they tried.  If all you want is a plain backup, and you don't care about rebuilding filenames and paths, then it's even easier - this thing is a linux box, with ethernet, and a bunch of files need copying off.  It couldn't get much easier!

Even the more complex task of navigating the database and extracting MP3 files should be attainable by a good programmer outside of empeg.

I know for a fact that a comprehensive USB backup tool can be written in a weekend (someone has done it, the code is NOT available and no I won't tell you who it was).  How long will it be before one of the many talanted techie owners writes something similar and chooses to release it?

The advantage of a relatively open platform is that you don't have to rely on empeg to produce everything you want!
