[Empeg-general] Re: Pricing of the empeg

Rob Voisey rob@empeg.com
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 19:53:00 GMT

We have no plans to change the pricing.  It's a VERY expensive product to manufacure by consumer electronic standards.

We know how to get the car player into the highstreet for a fraction of the current cost - unfortunately this involves consumerisation; the loss of most of the neat features, the loss of free on-going software support and the loss of responsiveness to customer suggestions.  It would be neither sold nor supported by empeg directly.

We believe that our high end niche market is big enough to sustain the product as it stands for some considerable time, and we fully expect to continue selling our over-spec'd, fun, premium product for the foreseeable future.

As we've often said, the price isn't expected to change any time soon but the specification will continue to improve in terms of both disk capacity and software features.
