[Empeg-general] Re: Mpeg +? who has heard of it?

HighWayDrifter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org HighWayDrifter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:02:00 GMT

all i got to say is 
1. Finger agnosia is a bitch
2. sucks when u can think 50x's faster then u can type (i type at about 100+wpm)
3. Deslexia (i know i spelled that wrong)sucks ass
4. at the rate at which i communicate it takes me 15x longer to double check what i type then it actually takes me to type out the damn message. 
5.im allso lazy <---main reason (hence why i dont realy sit there for 4 min trying to correct all my typos, and if u would notice most typos are from hitting the keys in the wrong combo's or by hitting keys in the same area as the ones meant to be hit (finger agnosia). other then that u can suck me one ;)
*note im not realy mad as i get what u guys are saying alot just trying to explain myself some sorry if my typin blows goats but there are very valid reasons to why it does. just FYI.

and if u want to start some flameage be warned im very creative ;) but i know where all adults here and im sure there are 50 other people thinking the same thing (what kind of drugs is this kid on?) none :(

well there glad to be able to clear it all up for you all.


Im as confused as a baby in a topless bar...