[Empeg-general] Re: Mpeg +? who has heard of it?

Henno Putto henno.empeg@xs4all.nl
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 11:47:00 GMT

Hi Drifter,

Yeh, I understand.

I too think a lot faster than I type (I bet all people do), and that includes time for translating (not *everyone* here speaks native American).
Add to that the time it takes to proof-read and spell-check before posting and you'll see that many of us invest quite some time to make this board fun.

Think of it: as of this reply, your thread was read some 75 times and if all of these readers need as much time to decipher your writing as I do, it would have been a damn lot more efficient when you had taken the trouble to make your writings at least partly readable

I don't mind the wrong 'combos' as you call them (though with a bit of effort I bet you could try to *sometimes* type adn right), nor spelling mistakes. I'm even getting used to 'u' replacing 'you' (though I hate it), but I would really appreciate your trying to inserting some punctuation some of the time. That would already help quite a bit  :-). 

PS: I read (and write) German
mk2 > 6 nr 6