[Empeg-general] Re: Mpeg +? who has heard of it?

Douglas Burnside burnside@alaska.net
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 02:45:00 GMT

>  hjlslkjf asujf a asfk kasf kaksj jf asj jasjp kdsf a k ka kdk af asdbbfae a ds afdnvcmvz czx lvl Z bvj kZV Kjcv bxzc kbkK Bk bjK JBkj v sdb b dasubysdu bb v zb !! !! absd jb bvdjb v bma bsmb alksjfhas uofh wqh a bjfs kbasf bkqwf ban sn navs kuvsa bkuwqfbk vw bawk b bkwkb qbk 313[ pavp oj,.???? 

Hold up there, Clem....  299 characters in 5 seconds.  At the standard wpm computation of 5 characters per word, that comes to 59.8 words in 1/12 of a minute.  That's only 717.6 words per minute.

Don't try this kind of exaggeration and self-aggrandizement at _our_ expense.  We're not that gullible, you know.



"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"