[Empeg-general] Re: Anand Reveiws MkII

George L. Schmauch Jr. skirge01@aol.com
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:11:00 GMT

Honestly, I think that the competition is only going to solidify empeg's popularity.  The players coming out now aren't even competition, as we all know.  The problems they find with them are almost all solved with the empeg.  Now, as the CD-R based players start to take hold and more and more people start converting their CD's to MP3's, they'll slowly tire of having to STILL carry CD's with them.  How much do you want to bet an MP3 CD-R changer will come out before they go to hard drives, like the empeg?  As more and more people start trying the competition and see that they don't meet their standards, requirements, or expectations, they'll start doing more research and stumble (or have it shoved down their throat by Rob's PR engine!) onto the empeg and all of its' features.  Price will always be an issue for the empeg, but when it's compared to a Sony ES, Pioneer Premier or and Eclipse head unit, the empeg will win hands down and those head units generally start in the $1000 range.  Competition, when it actually arrives, will only spell good things for the empeg.  Rob just needs to make sure he's got the empeg just as visible as the REAL competition.  Side by side comparison, right now, only make everyone see the price of the unit.  REAL competition will cause the empeg to beat the living crap out of them!
