[Empeg-general] Re: Automatic MP3 identification & how to build it

Rob J ClemsonJeep@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:01:00 GMT

Okay first off, I think we have some confusion as to what we are discussing here.

We have two *totally* different products at the moment available for download.

We have the PMA, which is a very large application used for media organization, identification, and recommendation.  

We have the SongPrint SDK, which is simply the identification part from above.

That being said, I will try to respond to your message as best I can.  :)

You don't need extra bells and whistles to make people want to use this tool. And you certainly don't want to make it unneccissarily difficult to use for its primary purpose by adding more features.

I assume you are talking about the PMA.  The PMA is *not* designed to simply be an identification tool.  It is a very large application that provides what I said above - a VERY smart media "Jukebox"  (although I hate to use that term)... it just also happens to identify music.  :)    

The sndref command line version for Linux sounds like exacly what I want. No more no less.

Okay, now to clear up some other points.

The sndref "utility" really isn't a utility.  It is simply a linux program created to USE the SongPrint SDK and demonstrate its ability, in a nice easy command line interface.  It's meant for people to compile and run and say "Wow, this kicks ass!  I want to add this SDK into my YYY media program!"  (Insert the media application they are working on in place of YYY)

So this brings me to my next reply..

How about a Windows version like that? And post some binaries.

There *is* a windows test program included in the archive.  It performs the exact same thing as the linux "sndref" command line utility, except it has a simple GUI.  Since we aimed the SDK at developers, we decided to just give the source and the project files for the test programs, to let the developer compile it themselves.

I can understand why you would want a windows binary, though... especially if "Average Joe User" just wants to see the technology in action.

I will compile up the latest version along with all the files you need for the Win32 "sndref" and post it on this board tomorrow.  Sound good? :)

Whew.  Okay.  I'm going to bed now.  I have to wake up early.  :)

Seriously, thanks for the comments.  I definitely appreciate all feedback, especially from you fellow empeg guys.  :)
