[Empeg-general] Re: Pricing of the empeg

Dragi Raos draos@4mate.hr
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 07:36:00 GMT

> And yes, most of you bought their empeg for status, amongst other reasons. Because a selfmade solution delivers the same thing for just over $300 (depending on disk size), but it just doesn't look that good.

Aaargh, here we go again! I bought empeg to enjoy it, not to show up. As you can see here, it gets installed in everything from $50k+ sports cars to $100 wrecks. The list price of disk in my empeg is more than $300 you think would be a reasonable price for homemade solution. A colegue of mine had a similar idea, then sat down and started to calculate. If one wants any sort of decent display, remote, connectivity, good disks, good sound output, solid dual mode power supply and case smaller than desktop PC, the price comes pretty close. Of course, one can simply stuff any ancient PC in the trunk and use something like X10 remote as UI, but it's like saying that my $8000 car is a status symbol because I could have driven to work on a lawn mower equiped with umbrella.

There are (announced) cheaper solutions with fewer features, such as several MP3 CD changer emulators (as far as I understand, guys@empeg designed at least one). Now we can talk about paying twice as much for empeg for, say, 30% or 50% more features. But then, its usually so for high-end products.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green