[Empeg-general] Re: LDAP-interface to empeg-player

fvgestel@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org fvgestel@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 21:48:00 GMT

OK the new software is ready for download...
<A HREF="http://fvgestel.dyndns.org/empeg" target="_new">http://fvgestel.dyndns.org/empeg</A>

It works even better than I had hoped. I've got a database with 2000 songs and complex queries complete in less than a second. The first query will still take about a minute, 
but after that the data is cached; this means that after your first query the empeg can be removed from the network and you will still be able to do queries. At this time the only way to let the LDAP-server read the fid-files again is to restart the slapd.
Maybe I'll add a feature as when you do an ldapmodify the data is fetched from the empeg again...

I'm installing netscape directory server gateway right now; I will provide a link when it's installed...

Frank van Gestel